Summer Wanderlust #2: Punching Fear in the Face


This summer, stop being worried about the ‘what ifs’ and start enjoying what comes. If you have an opportunity to go cliff jumping into freezing waters…you should try it! We regret what we don’t do more than what we try. Sometimes it takes a rush of energy to make one feel alive again. It reminds us that we are human, that we often take too many days for granted and that we have to stop being so afraid of the world.

Fear makes us unhappy. But instead of looking at fear as a scary situation, look at it as an opportunity to overcome. Looking at fear as this opportunity, you will soon realize that the wall which has stopped you from doing everything you ever wanted is slowly falling and the control you have for your life is expanding. That does not mean fear will ever disappear, for no one can be fearless. But when you are put into a situation, look at the options and decide whether you want to stop giving in or stop giving up.

Now before I start going off on a rant about fear, I am going to end this summer wanderlust tid-bit with a few knowledgeable words that one should always take with them:


…Your’e welcome.


  1. Marijo Bridges Wakley on January 4, 2015 at 9:07 AM

    Shalee you are an inspiration! My female cousin took a solo road trip to the UP and slept in her car between two huge semi trucks. She said she never felt safer…and she was in her 40s! Good luck in your adventures.

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