Some of us are visual learners (myself included). This week I decided to take a different approach to share some of my tips while traveling on a budget.
What is the twist?
Recently, I’ve had a bit of an obsession with infographics and I just created my own. The theme is budget travel. Shocker, I know.
So here are some of my best budget travel tips if you are traveling on a tight budget. Enjoy!
So, what did you think? Is this type of article something you’d want to see more of? Let me know!
Awesome. I love it! Much more fun. Not to say your regular blogs weren’t already fun. Please keep them coming.
Will do! Maybe even tonight 😉
What do you mean when you say that you can afford to travel if you have a smart phone? Can you expand on that?
Hey, Lindsay! Sorry just catching up on comments!
I just mean that a smart phone is expensive, and usually if someone has one that means they have some sort of disposable income that can be used on ‘wants’. Where they decide to use that money is up to them 🙂
You say people can afford to travel if they have a smart phone. Could you expand on what you mean by that?
Love infographics! And yours has some great basics for people who dismiss travel because of price 🙂
Glad you like it Caitlyn! Thank you!
Always enjoy your blog! Thanks for the tips.
Thank you!! 🙂