Shalee Wanders Travel Blog
8 Tips for Tight Budget Travel
8 TIPS FOR TIGHT BUDGET TRAVEL Some of us are visual learners (myself included). This week I decided to take a different approach to share some of my tips while traveling on a budget. What is the twist? AN INFOGRAPHIC. Recently, I’ve had a bit of an obsession with infographics and I just created…
Read More8 Small Town Michigan Overnight Getaways
8 SMALL TOWN MICHIGAN OVERNIGHT GETAWAYS 1. Mesick It’s in the middle of nowhere, it’s near the highest point in the Lower Peninsula, and it’s the mushroom capital of the world. If you love hunting for those Morel mushrooms come spring, this is the place for you! I spent countless weekends here as a…
Read MoreWhy I Chose Not to Study Abroad
WHY I CHOSE NOT TO STUDY ABROAD Yes, I am a college student travel blogger. And no, I haven’t studied abroad. It is one of the most frequent questions that I am asked. I respond “no” and wait for their reaction and follow-up statement that’s something along the polite version of “How the…
Read MoreFit-Geeks Guide to Michigan 2016
Lower body workouts: Climb sleeping bear dunes 3x in one day Three climbs equals about 2,000ft of elevation climbing on sand in under a mile. On the bright side, every time you run to the bottom you can dive into Lake Michigan. And yes, massive amounts of sand will end up in your hair, pants,…
Read MoreHow to Save for Your First Big Adventure
HOW TO SAVE FOR YOUR FIRST BIG ADVENTURE You’re dreaming of it, right? You want to lie on the beaches of Thailand, skydive over the mountains of New Zealand, picnic next to the waterfalls of Iceland, and camp under the stars of California. You see the photos on Instagram, you read the articles online,…
Read MoreOver 550,000 views in 2015! THANK YOU.
OVER 550,000 VIEWS IN 2015! THANK YOU! I can’t believe 2015 is almost over and I can’t believe I have been blogging for almost two years. When did this happen? Where has time gone? My site stats for the year recently came in, and I am in awe once again. 550,000 of you in 173…
Read MoreCaribbean Paradise: Budget Travel Meets All-Inclusive Luxury
CARIBBEAN PARADISE: BUDGET TRAVEL MEETS ALL-INCLUSIVE LUXURY I would be lying if I said I didn’t recently enjoy a week in paradise at an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. Weird, right? Not usually my thing. Being a lover of beaches, when the opportunity arose to spend some time on some of the…
Read MoreA Family Affair: International Adventure Travel
Guest post: Jake Oliver. There’s nothing I love more than family holidays; the chance to visit exotic regions and discover new cultures alongside my favourite people in the whole world! It turns out I’m not alone; according to the Family Holiday Association “49% of British people said their happiest memory is being on holiday with…
Read MoreSix Best Lighthouses in Michigan
The Six Best Lighthouses in Michigan January 25, 2020 When I’m old, frail, and slightly senile, I want to be a lighthouse keeper. I want to have a cat named Indiana Jones, a beautiful view of a lake, and most importantly – an ice cream shop within 5 miles. I’ve spent my life around…
Read MoreA Life Behind Miguel’s Pizza
A Life Behind Miguel’s Pizza Situated among the rolling mountains of Kentucky is a slice of heaven for rock climbers, food lovers, and camping fanatics. Kentucky’s Red River Gorge is known to have the best rock climbing in the eastern United States and is continuously swarmed with climbers looking for some adventure. Those who venture…
Read MoreHow to Conquer Iceland on a Budget
HOW TO MAKE ICELAND AFFORDABLE 1. Tent it How cold do you think Iceland is? The answer is not as cold as you may think. Tenting is completely doable in the summer months and will save a traveler hundreds of dollars. Sleeping in a camper van is one of the most common (and…
Read MoreThe Wanderlust Lifestyle of a Millennial
Over the years, I have met my fair share of young travelers. We have bonded, shared stories, and discussed how we were each able to travel so young. Out of all those I have met, I have yet to meet one who is wealthy enough to travel without care. I think this proves that there…
Read MoreTravel Memoirs: Looking Back at Our Most Unforgettable Experiences
TRAVEL MEMOIRS: LOOKING BACK AT OUR MOST UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCES Do you ever have to moments where you look back and think “I actually did that?!” Yeah, me too. I’m interested in hearing what some of your most breathtaking, thrilling, and stunning moments have been while traveling. Share your stories in the comments below! I’m so…
Read MoreIceland’s Ring Road: The Adventurers Dream
ICELAND’S RING ROAD: THE ADVENTURERS DREAM Iceland is like a nature IMAX film on steroids that is also the supermodel of life’s landscapes. It is simply stunning, almost to a point where I forgot I was actually living. It’s where that 200ft waterfall to your left is suddenly going unnoticed because it probably doesn’t even have…
Read MoreZip, Zip, Away! Notes and The Next Few Weeks
This summer I have managed to spend around 150 hours in the car on weekends alone. Gee wiz. I recently calculated that, and realized I am lucky car sickness doesn’t run in my family. Just last weekend I went and camped on South Manitou Island, which is located in the middle of Lake Michigan. It…
Read More8 Things Backpacking Teaches Us About Life
8 THINGS BACKPACKING TEACHES US ABOUT LIFE 1) Rewards don’t come easily We hike miles for hours, days, and weeks to summit high points, discover new places, and reach destinations. We choose not to experience the world from the scenic car pull offs, and that is why we remember these moments. A reward…
Read MoreEat Nothing and Climb Everything: Budgeting in America’s Southwest
EAT NOTHING AND CLIMB EVERYTHING: BUDGETING IN AMERICA’S SOUTHWEST Yes, it’s true…America’s southwest is full of tour buses, selfie sticks, crowded parking lots and heat strokes. Why would anyone want to visit such a place? Because it’s really freaking beautiful, duh. And just like any other destination around the world, tourists can be…
Read More20 Tips to Stay Under Budget While Traveling
I am completely aware that attempting to stay under budget on vacation is a real pain. However, over the years I’ve learned that it is a lot easier than expected. Finding out the most convenient and efficient ways to save money on the road will allow for more future travels and less current vacation regrets.…
Read More5 Adventures in Every Midwest State
5 ADVENTURES IN EVERY MIDWEST STATE 12 states officially claim the Midwest as home. Although we may not have towering mountains or vast oceans, we are spoiled with lush forests, freshwater and unpopulated blissful hikes. So set the remotes down and challenge yourself to try something new, celebrate the outdoors and rediscover the kick-ass…
Read MoreA Day Guide to Acadia National Park
A DAY GUIDE TO ACADIA NATIONAL PARK If you follow me on social media, you’ve seen how much I absolutely loved Acadia National Park (and Maine in general). There are a lot of states I visit and love, yet don’t consider living there. Maine, however, is definitely NOT one of those places. I actually…
Read MoreI Climbed a Mountain to Reach a Parking Lot (and Loved it)
I CLIMBED A MOUNTAIN TO REACH A PARKING LOT For the past four hours, I’ve been sweating, swearing and falling my way up Mount Washington, the highest peak in the Northeast. I see the summit and just as I’m about to make it over the crest I hear voices—lots of them. I have to say…
Read More22 Goals For My 22nd Year
I’m getting old. Okay, maybe 22 isn’t that bad. My birthday came up extremely quick this year and I think I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off. What are 22 year olds supposed to do in society? Start a big girl job? Buy an apartment? Get a cat?
Read MoreA Toronto Travel Guide
(Insert Canadian National Anthem here) First of all, just got my grades back and I made the Dean’s list…WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER. Especially because there was one class I thought I was going to epically fail halfway through the semester. Then I stopped going to class and did better on all the exams once I…
Read MoreThe Summer Adventure Challenge
April showers bring May flowers and May flowers usually brings finals which makes me want to drop out of school and become a street performer. But…I survived. Summer is here! I may or may not have walked out of my last exam with my fist in the air singing I am the Champion while my…
Read MoreMy Most Embarrassing Moments: Travel Edition
MY MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENTS: TRAVEL EDITION Ahhh, traveling….an adventure filled with excitement, smiles and accidentally falling in an airplane bathroom. You know, it happens to the best of us. You’ve all seen where I go and what I do but usually I try to post pictures that are the best from my trip. Ones that…
Read More5 Weekend Adventures Outside Michigan
Michigan is great. We’ve established it. But sometimes it’s needed to get out and go exploring beyond the boundaries. We all know how busy life can be, and the thought of a reality-escaping adventure can seem far from possible. Well, let’s say you only have a weekend available. No problem…no problem at all. There are…
Read MoreFlying High on a Trapeze in Paradise
Okay, if you’re a trapeze artist…I give major props. It’s been over two weeks since I tried and my arms can still feel it. While having some fun-in-the-sun down near Venice Beach, Florida, I got the opportunity to try the trapeze. Now it wasn’t just a trapeze, it was one that some of the best circus and…
Read MoreWhy Travel Shouldn't Be a Competition
Society constantly pushes us to prove we are better than the competition. We don’t know any better. Today’s post is going to be a semi-rant. Mostly because lately I’ve been coming into contact with a lot of people where travel is the subject and all they do is try and boast about how the places…
Read MoreA Date Luging in Muskegon!
A DATE IN MUSKEGON: LUGING! You’ll be seeing me in the next Olympics. (not really…) Buttttttt….my boyfriend Josh and I recently got to experience what it’s like to luge! You know, that sport they race down an icy track on a sled going so fast it kind of makes you sick to watch. Yup!…
Read MoreWhat To Do in Sandusky Ohio: Winter Edition
What To Do In Sandusky Ohio? Winter Edition Updated January 25, 2021 So, you’re wondering what to do in Sandusky, Ohio in the winter? Here’s a secret: it’s pretty rad and filled with hidden adventures. The indoor/outdoor exploration options are perfect and prove that although Cedar Point is amazing, it’s not the only thing…
Read MoreHow Fear Made Me Live
HOW FEAR MADE ME LIVE Fear. It’s the one thing that everyone observes and avoids, though they secretly want to overpower it. It’s been over a year now that I have been writing to you and I feel that although you know who I am, I’ve failed to explain who I really am and…
Read MoreHow to Capture Travel Moments: 11 Tips
11 TIPS FOR CAPTURING TRAVEL MOMENTS Every time someone tells me they think I take amazing photos I just want to hug them. It’s probably one of the best compliments I get just because it’s something I love to do and it’s the best way I capture travel memories. Pictures are usually worth more…
Read More"Shalee Wanders" 1st Birthday! A Thank You To My Readers:
It’s been one insane year. All thanks to you.
Read More10,000 Feet and 17 Miles: Grand Canyon
10,000 FEET AND 17 MILES: HIKING THE GRAND CANYON It was Christmas Eve. We made it to the bottom of the Grand Canyon in an impressive time. It was just after 9:00 a.m., but we had already conquered the South Kaibab trail to the floor of the most famous canyon in the world. Too bad we weren’t…
Read MoreWinter Activities in Michigan: 9 Great Weekend Adventures
Winter Activities in Michigan: 9 Great Weekend Adventures January 25, 2020 Top Winter Activities in Michigan If I had a dollar for every complaint I’ve heard about Michigan winter… When it comes down to it, we only enjoy the season as much as we allow ourselves to. Truth be told, I used to be…
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Shalee Wanders, LLC 2024